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  • melinthemiddle 6:48 pm on January 31, 2013 Permalink | Reply
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    Posts from the Fall: Chinese Thanksgiving 

    Originally written: 11/25/12


    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This was my first time spending Thanksgiving away from home, so I tried to make the day special in a way that can only happen in China. At first, I nearly forgot that it was Thanksgiving at all. I went to class in the morning like any other Thursday and remembered just before lunch that it was Thanksgiving. I quickly called a few friends and put together the perfect holiday plans.  Four hours later, the festivities began.  It started with a few classmates and I going to a small on-campus park and playing a makeshift game of football.

    For Thanksgiving dinner, a group of us went out to eat at a nearby restaurant. I’m afraid that turkey is very hard to come by in China, so our Thanksgiving dinner consisted of sweet and sour fish, kung pao chicken, snow peas, hot spiced string beans, sweet buns, and eggplant in soy sauce. For dessert, we ordered a dish of potatoes covered in a caramelized sugar sauce (potatoes that are sweet, get it? Sweet potatoes! Great traditional Thanksgiving food!).

    On Black Friday, I went out to the Hutongs with my tutor and classmate. A Hutong is like an alleyway, except instead of being formed by tall buildings, they are formed by one story homes that are crammed together. Many people live there, but you can also find some small shops.  They are now considered to be the historical parts of Beijing and are surrounded by stores, restaurants, bars, and other attractions. We went there and walked around, tried some of the local food, and toured they area by rickshaw.  We spent a full 7 hours there! I’m so thankful for the chance to have such awesome experiences like this!

    I guess I should mention this as well: while trying out the local foods, my tutor suggested I try a very famous dish: cow stomach. While everyone else back at home enjoyed turkey and potatoes for Thanksgiving, I got to chew on a strip of cow intestinal lining. Yum? Haha just kidding. It was gross. But hey, at least I tried it!

    I’d like to shout out to my friends and family back in the US. I hope everyone enjoyed watching (and playing) football, eating pumpkin pie, and watching the parade!

    • jhboisselle 5:58 pm on October 25, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      testing adding a reply comment

  • at5203 1:14 pm on November 23, 2012 Permalink | Reply
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    Challenge Seven: Giving thanks 

    While being in Vietnam I have realized I am privileged in so many ways. For starters being able to live abroad is probably one of the most rewarding experiences in any ones lifetime. The friendships I have developed and the experiences I’ve had are truly unforgettable. I want to start off by giving thanks to my mother who not only emotionally and financially supports me but also has the patience to deal with such an impatient child. My family and friends mean the world to me and although this Thanksgiving we were apart I am thankful that they are healthy and doing well. But most importantly I am thankful that no one in the Vietnam program eats as much as I do!

    But in all honestly I am thankful for the food. I come from an extensive Ecuadorian family where turning down a plate of food is a sign of disrespect. Probably one of the main reasons I love Vietnam so much is because it reminds me of my home. Food is definitely a universal unifier of all races, gender, sexuality, people, and animals.

    • DougReilly 6:25 pm on December 3, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      Great to hear from you Adrian! Have you universally liked the food in VIetnam, or just found the culture surrounding the food comforting? What’s your favorite food so far?

      Oh–you earned your Vere sandals this week. We’d love to see you around these parts more often! 🙂


      • at5203 3:08 pm on December 6, 2012 Permalink | Reply

        I have universally liked the food and found the food comforting. The food is just so great here because it different in the sense that the Vietnamese use different spices and eat different types of meat. But when it comes to eating everyone eats as a family because filial piety is strong in this country

      • at5203 3:12 pm on December 6, 2012 Permalink | Reply

        I have universally liked the food and found the food comforting. The food is just so great here because it different in the sense that the Vietnamese use different spices and eat different types of meat. But when it comes to eating everyone eats as a family because filial piety is strong in this country. My favorite type of food is this noodle soup that is call pho. It may seem simple but it is delicious and takes hours to make.

  • Taylor B. Anderson, MS 4:31 pm on November 22, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , thanksgiving,   

    Giving Thanks 

    I am thankful for my parents who support me through all the twists and turns my adventurous spirit takes me; moving mountains so I can explore them.

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

    : )


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